Global - Plastic & Rubber Machinery - Events
List by Product List by Country
interplastpack Tanzania 2026 322 days left 
International Trade Show on Plastics,Packaging,Printing & Corrugated
1/29/2026 - 1/31/2026
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Warsaw Plast Expo 2026 327 days left 
International Plastic & Rubber Exhibition
2/3/2026 - 2/5/2026
Warsaw, Poland
SamuExpo 2026 329 days left 
International biennial metalworking, subcontracting and plastic expo
2/5/2026 - 2/7/2026
Pordenone, Italy
Samuplast 2026 329 days left 
Exhibition of plastics, technology and machinery
2/5/2026 - 2/7/2026
Pordenone, Italy
Plastindia 2026  
12th International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Dates: TBD
New Delhi, India
The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum Europe - 2026  
Addressing synthetic turf for sport, leisure and landscape from raw materials to end-user experience
Dates: TBD
TBD, Spain
Tire Technology Expo 2026  
Europe's leading international tire design and tire manufacturing exhibition and conference
Dates: TBD
Hanover, Germany
Agricultural Film Europe - 2026  
Maximising crop yields with an effective use of silage, mulch and greenhouse films to feed the growing global population
Dates: TBD
TBD, Spain
Cables Europe 2026  
The international conference and exhibition for polymeric materials in wire and cable
Dates: TBD
TBD, Germany
Plastics Recycling Conference 2026  
Conference for plastics recycling industry
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
AllinPlas 2026  
16th China Zhengzhou Plastics Industry Fair
Dates: TBD
Zhengzhou, China
PacTec, FoodTec & PlastExpo Nordic 2026 363 days left 
Trade events for the packaging, food and drink, and plastics industries
3/11/2026 - 3/12/2026
Helsinki, Finland
PRS Asia 2026 369 days left 
The Plastics Recycling Show Asia (PRS Asia)
3/17/2026 - 3/18/2026
Singapore, Singapore
Compounding and Recycling Asia 2026  
Improving sustainability and driving growth in Asia's plastics markets
Dates: TBD
Plastics & Rubber Vietnam 2026  
International Plastics & Rubber Technologies and Materials Exhibition for Vietnam
Dates: TBD
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Chemical Recycling North America - 2026  
Exploring the potential of advanced recycling techniques in North America to convert waste plastics into new materials
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
plastprintpack Nigeria 2026  
11th International Trade Show on Plastics, Printing & Packaging
Dates: TBD
Lagos, Nigeria
Expo Plasticos 2026 376 days left 
International Exhibition of Technology and Plastic Solutions for Industry in General
3/24/2026 - 3/26/2026
Guadalajara, Mexico
PTXPO 2026  
Plastics Technology Expo
Dates: TBD
Chicago IL, United States
ETRA Conference on Tyre Recycling 2026  
28th European Tyre Recycling Conference
Dates: TBD
Brussels, Belgium

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