Global - Agriculture Machinery - Events
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EVECC Congress 2028 1174 days left 
25th annual European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress
6/1/2028 - 6/3/2028
TBD, Netherlands
interzum forum italy 2028  
The Networking Event in Italy for Suppliers of the Furniture Industry and Interior Design
Dates: TBD
Bergamo, Italy
IPVS Congress 2028  
29th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress
Dates: TBD
ISFNF 2028  
XXIII International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding
Dates: TBD
World Tomato Congress 2028  
17th World Tomato Processing Congress & the 19th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato
Dates: TBD
New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays 2028  
The largest agricultural event in the Southern Hemisphere
Dates: TBD
Hamilton, New Zealand
DLG-Feldtage 2028  
Meeting point for crop production experts
Dates: TBD
TBD, Germany
World Potato Congress 2028  
14th World Potato Congress
Dates: TBD
Ghent, Belgium
River Flow 2028  
14th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics
Dates: TBD
IAHR Europe Congress 2028  
10th IAHR Europe Congress: Innovative Water Management in a Changing Climate
Dates: TBD
AVMA Annual Convention 2028 1217 days left 
American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention
7/14/2028 - 7/18/2028
Boston MA, United States
Erie County Fair 2028  
188th Erie County Fair
Dates: TBD
Buffalo NY, United States
Upper Peninsula State Fair 2028 1248 days left 
Upper Peninsula State Fair
8/14/2028 - 8/20/2028
Escanaba MI, United States
Nor-Fishing 2028  
International Fishing Industry Fair Trondheim
Dates: TBD
Trondheim, Norway
ICPP 2028 1253 days left 
13th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2028)
8/19/2028 - 8/25/2028
Gold Coast, Australia
AFS 2028  
157th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
ILDEX Philippines 2028  
The international livestock, dairy, meat processing and aquaculture exposition
Dates: TBD
Manila, Philippines
EAAP Annual Meeting 2028  
79th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP)
Dates: TBD
International Wood Fair 2028  
International trade for forestry management and technology, sawmill technology and timber construction
Dates: TBD
Klagenfurt, Austria
ESA Congress 2028  
XX Congress of the European Society for Agronomy
Dates: TBD

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